Proof of Reserves
Third-Party Report: The independent third-party institution certifies that there are 1:1 on-chain reserves for all user assets.
Independent Periodic Verification: Users can verify their own asset data.
Continuous Investment: CoinHiveOption always provides industry-leading verification solutions to protect asset security and provide further transparency.
CoinHiveOption Reserve Ratio
Based on data at 2023/06/30 23:59:59 UTC+8.
BTC Reserve Ratio104%
CoinHiveOption User Assets
CoinHiveOption Wallet Assets
ETH Reserve Ratio115%
CoinHiveOption User Assets
CoinHiveOption Wallet Assets
USDT Reserve Ratio105%
CoinHiveOption User Assets
CoinHiveOption Wallet Assets
USDC Reserve Ratio104%
CoinHiveOption User Assets
CoinHiveOption Wallet Assets
Verify Account Assets
User assets registered before the last time of verification are included in the total assets.
Independent Third Party Verification
Last Time of Snapshot: 2022/11/26 UTC+8
Provided by an independent third-party institution.
Periodic Proof of Reserves
Last Time of Snapshot: 2023/06/30 UTC+8
What is PoR (Proof of Reserves)?
PoR is a widely used method to prove custody of assets on the blockchain. This means that CoinHiveOption has the funds that cover all user assets on our books.
Principle of PoR
The Merkle tree data structure is used to generate and securely encrypt user asset data into a single hash, which serves as a "summary" of all inputted data. The tamper-proof and traceable characteristics of Merkle tree data enables users to easily verify data reliability. Users can verify ownership of on-chain wallet addresses and the total amount of wallet assets. Users can also verify the platform's asset reserves by comparing the total assets of the exchange users with the total assets in the published on-chain wallet addresses.